Jennifer's Boston Marathon
These are the pictures taken of Jennifer during the race as she went through several "photo traps". The Boston Athletic Association, to whom the Boston Marathon belongs, has an official photographer. In addition to those pictures for the news, television and other printed outlets, they take pictures of virtually every runner. These are offered for sale following the race. In addition, one can also purchase an additional set of pictures of the Marathon environment. These are the majority of those taken of Jennifer.
medal everyone wants to earn
Prior to the race, Jennifer had to get up at 5:15 to go to the Finish Line - as illogical as that seems. The reason was the Officials could not guarantee a runner could get to the Starting Line un less they were bussed there - from the Finish line! Jennifer was fortunate to sit with Hillary on the bus - her new best friend. Hillary had been in several Boston Marathons and gave the "newbie" some helpful hints. Among them was that Jennifer should have her name written on her arms. Hillary told Jennifer she may have run other marathons but Boston was like no other- "You will run 26 miles of cheering!" If they learn your name they will cheer you even louder. That cheering, joking and shouts make the Boston Marathon unique and makes the race seem shorter.
This is the start - everyone passes here, but first
Let's get organized!
Out of that mess the elite women start their run
Jennifer seems to be looking at the competition.
A note: Jackie & I, watching the runners, think the men were more into just running the course, while most women appeared to be much more competitive - they appeared to look around constantly to see where other women were.
The run was not all bad.
We tracked Jennifer real-time via the Internet on my telephone,
we were amazed that whether measured by kilometer of by mile,
her pace for the entire race was exceptionally steady -
never more that 2 seconds ± per kilometer or mile
However - there is that place called "HEARTBREAK HILL".
Jennifer told us the hill itself isn't that awful, she's run much steeper ones, BUT - this one comes at the wrong time.
It is about 2/3 through the race and many, many runners are defeated by the hill at this point. She told us she would look like she was dying as she went over the crest.
She was correct!
We'll have to ask her just exactly what was going on at this point.
Just running along - getting near the end.
We think this is just where we think Jennifer became certain she would finish the Marathon.
Seems like a very positive expression!
One happy runner!
Run right through - a great finish!
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